I'll admit, I have this unhealthy love of reading current events books. You know the ones. The books written by some guy or gal telling us all what is wrong with the world and why. Occasionally you'll get a how to fix it. And I'll read these books on any side, liberal, conservative, moderate, insane, whatever.
I am currently reading "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder" by Michael Savage. I can't help it, I think he's funny. I catch his radio show every so often when I am driving home from work. I always thought he was very colorful and entertaining. And someone told me his book was pretty good, so I picked it up. It's the only one of his books I have read to date.
But I have a small collection of these books on several sides, some are really good and some are really laughable. Like "Stupid White Men" by Michael Moore. That man never ceases to amaze me... in a bad way.
However, I've read. I've listened. And I have thought. My thoughts are the same for these guys as for most people whose blogs I've read or who I have come across online.
I was one of these guys a few years back. I had a radio talk show. It was a college radio station and the show came about because the station manager was very politically minded and thought my idea was a good one. So I had this show and I had the most amazing co-host known to man. Mike and I did pretty well once a week on the air for about two hours.
But that is where it stopped. The both of us were outside speakers as well. We didn't stop on the air or in our newspaper articles for the school and for local newspapers. We ran for political office. Obviously we didn't get elected, and it was a starting small kind of deal. But I actually ran for mayor in the town I was living in.
My thought process was this. I can sit in this chair with the microphone bouncing off my nose as I rant on and on. I can write letters and articles for the local papers and the college paper. I can stand outside holding a sign and screaming at the top of my lungs. But what is the best way to get things done that you want done?
Do it yourself! Attack from the inside!
So I ran for office. I am waiting now for my residence requirements to be met so I can run again in my new hometown. Because I figured there were things I wanted done on a local level as well as a national level, and you have to start somewhere, so start small and do it yourself.
And I can't help but have this thought pop into my mind while I read these books. These guys from all sides have these things they bitch and moan about regularly. And some of them actually have plans on how to fix what they think is wrong. But what are they actually doing about it?
A good portion of America isn't reading their books. They aren't listening to their radio shows. Let's face it, when you are in the car or where ever, you listen to radio shows that make you feel good. So most of their listeners already agree with them. Basically, they are preaching to the choir. It's like the customers I deal with who go on endlessly about gun rights and the Constitution. You're standing in a gun store talking to an armed employee! Preaching to the choir! And the same goes for books. Most people don't read these type of books because for 9/10s of America reading the latest romance novel is far more interesting. Of the amount that does read your books (and don't give me best seller stats... how many books did you buy and never read?!), most people tend to buy books written by people that they at least mostly agree with. Very few people do as I do and buy for both sides to see what both sides are whining about now. So your radio shows and books aren't reaching the ears you want them to reach.
The politicians know what you're saying, I am sure. But they don't care, either. They know what I just told you. The only way to get the government to do as you want, or to at least try to get it to a state that you want to see it in, is to follow the age old cliché... if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
So why haven't all these guys and gals with all these wonderful ideas and plans run for office (I know a few have, but most do not)? Why is the Terminator in office and not someone with a thought out plan? Is it lack of funds? Lack of motivation? Comfort in where you are right now? That good old can't do attitude? The desire to hear your own voice and not really accomplish anything? Cowardice hiding behind the people's "right to know?"
Give me a break.
Suck Lead did something BAAAAD at 10/13/2006 11:29:00 PM